
How to Delete a Vendor in Quickbooks

Has your business ended a contract with a business-to-business (B2B) vendor? Assuming you no longer purchase their products or services, you may want to delete them from your business’s Quickbooks account. Failure to do so means your business’s Quickbooks account may become congested with vendors whom you no longer use. Thankfully, you can remove vendors in Quickbooks by following just a few easy steps.

Steps to Deleting a Vendor in Quickbooks

To delete a vendor in Quickbooks, log in to your account and select “Expenses” under the main menu, followed by “Vendors.” Next, choose “Sales,” at which point you should see a list of all your business’s active vendors. Once you’ve found the vendor whom you wish to delete, click the “Edit” link.

After clicking the “Edit” link, you should see a box with an option for “Make inactive.” Clicking this box will prompt a message verifying that you want to delete the vendor. Assuming you click “Yes,” the vendor will be temporarily deleted from your business’s Quickbooks account.

How to Reactivate a Deleted Vendor

Even if your business no longer purchases products or services from a vendor, this could change in the future. Maybe the vendor offers you a better deal, or perhaps the vendor expands his or her product offerings. Regardless, you may want to reestablish a professional relationship with the vendor whom you deleted from your business’s Quickbooks account.

When you delete a vendor from Quickbooks, the vendor isn’t permanently removed. Rather, the vendor becomes “inactive,” meaning he or she won’t show up on your business’s Quickbooks account. If you decide to continue purchasing the deleted vendor’s products or services, you can reactivate the vendor.

To reactivate a deleted vendor in Quickbooks, perform the same steps as previously mentioned by clicking “Expenses,” followed by “Vendors.” Next, click the “Settings” icon, at which point you can select the option to show inactive vendors. After locating the deleted vendor, select the “Make active” option.

Keep in mind that you can delete customers as well. The steps are pretty much the same, except you’ll need to choose a customer rather than a vendor. Whether you delete a vendor, a customer or both, though, you can always go back and reactivate them later.

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