
Quickbooks: What are Memorized Reports?


Memorized reports is a helpful feature in Quickbooks that saves a report with its current customization settings. One of the perks of using Quickbooks — as opposed to other small business accounting software — is the vast array of personalization and customization options that it has. You can change just about everything with your account, including your reports. But if you customize your reports, you should “memorize” them so Quickbooks saves your settings.

To memorize a report in Quickbooks, first locate the report you wish to memorize, change the content of the report by clicking the customize icon, and when you are finished click the “Save Customizations” button. Quickbooks will now prompt you to enter a name for the newly customized report. It’s recommended that you choose something unique and memorable since this is a unique report and not the default report. After choosing a name, click “OK.” to save the changed.

It’s important to note that adding reports to an entire group allows users to set a common email schedule for the report. Furthermore, this report will appear under the group name on the memorized reports list. But if you add a report that’s attached to an email schedule to a group that already has an email schedule, the new report will use the group’s existing email schedule. So, consider whether or not the group already has an email schedule before proceeding. Because of it does, the newly memorized report will use this same format.

Now that you’ve memorized a report, you might be wondering how exactly to run it. Well, this is actually easier than you may think. Simply locate memorized report from your “My Custom Reports” list. This is done by logging into your account and choosing Reports > My Custom Reports > at which point you’ll see a list of all memorized reports. You can also run, export, edit or even delete a report by clicking the report and choosing one of the following options: Run Report, PDF, Edit, Group, Excel or Delete.

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