
Can You Reprint a Check in Quickbooks?

light-bulb-1002783_960_720This is a question that many newcomers to Intuit’s popular line of accounting software ask. Perhaps you lost the original check, or maybe you need a second copy for reference purposes. Regardless, there are times during which you’ll need to reprint a check. The good news is that Quickbooks allows for reprinting checks in just a few quick and easy steps. Here’s how you do it.

There are actually two different ways to reprint a check in Quickbooks, the first of which involves accessing the Lists menu. After logging into your Quickbooks account, choose the Lists category from your main menu bar (found at the top), followed by Chart of Accounts > choose your payroll > double-click the check you want to reprint > click the Print icon within this window > click Save and Close. Sorry if you were expecting more, but that’s all it takes to reprint a check in Quickbooks! Quickbooks will now reprint the selected check, allowing you to hand it over to the respective employee or contractor.

But there’s a second way to reprint checks in Quickbooks, and some users may argue that this method is even easier than the first. This is done by accessing the Employees menu, followed by Edit/Void Paychecks > enter the paycheck date in the Show Paychecks from and through options field > click the Print icon at the top of this window to assign the number > click OK.

Now that you know how to reprint a single check in Quickbooks, you might be wondering if there’s an option to reprint multiple checks. Well, there is. If you need to reprint multiple checks, just follow these instructions: log into your Quickbooks account and choose the Transaction tab from the Employee Center, followed by Paychecks (found in the left-hand column) > double-click the paycheck that you want to reprint > click Print Later next to the Print icon > Save & Close. Now, repeat these steps for each check that you want to reprint. After marking all of the necessary checks for reprint, choose File > Print Forms > Paychecks > OK. This will print all of your selected checks, allowing you to reprint all of them at once instead of one by one.

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